Thanks for shopping at  IDHKA NATURALS.

If you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.


  • Customers can cancel their order within one business day after the payment by contacting support (91-8888741614)
  • In case the order has already been shipped, customers may email However, in case of orders already shipped customers may follow the Returns policy.


  • In case you receive any product in damaged condition or  HavePure has erroneously sent you wrong item, you can return it within 15 days of receipt.
  • In such circumstances, please email us at, You can get in touch with our Customer Service team who will guide you.
  • To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, sealed and in original packing.
  • A copy of the receipt or proof of purchase needs to be returned along with the product.
  • Shipping charges would be refunded in case of returns.


  • In case of cancellation of order or return of any product as per our policies (mentioned above), the refund shall be initiated on the customer’s original mode of payment.
  • In case of return of a product, our team would acknowledge the receipt of the returned item and refund shall be initiated immediately under intimation to the customer.
  • It is expected that customer would receive the refund within 7 to 10 days, depending on the bank, credit card or merchant through whom the payment had been made.

Contact Us

In case of any assistance required you may contact our Customer Service Team at or WhatsApp at 91-8169783807